
​​​Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Our Lady of Lourdes School. Please find below the link to your child's online application for enrolment. You will need to click on the link, enter and review the required details, complete and submit the form, before your application will be submitted to us. We will then contact you regarding the next steps which will involve submitting documentation such as a birth certificate and baptism certificate. 

If applying for enrolment for more than one student, when the form is completed an option will be available to submit another enrolment form for each additional student. There is no application fee.

Please contact us directly, should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.​

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Places are limited and will be offered in accordance with our Enrolment Policy​

​​Year to Commence
Enrolment Applications
​Enrolment Interview Timeline
​​Prep 2024​
​Applications open, apply online
Interviewing now
​Prep 2025​​Applications open, apply online
Interviewing now
​Prep 2026
​Applications open, apply online
Interviews commence April 2025
​Prep 2027
​Applications open, apply online
​Interviews commence April 2026
Prep 2028
Applications open, apply online
​Interviews commence April 2027

​The following indicates when children are eligible to start in Prep.

​Child born 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019 is eligible to start Prep in​  2024

Child born 1 July 2019 - 30 June 2020 is eligible to start Prep in 2025

Child born 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021 is eligible to start Prep in 2026

Child born 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022 is eligible to start Prep in 2027

Child born 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023 is eligible to start Prep in 2028

Early entry into Prep? Are there any exceptions to the age limits? 

​Section 15 of the Education General Provisions Regulation 2006 allows early entry to the Prep Year for a child who:

EITHER Will be at least 5 years and 5 months on 31 December in the proposed year of attendance (i.e. a child who turns 5 on or before 31 July); AND Is considered 'ready for education in the year of schooling considering the child's attributes';


Had started education in another state or country that is equivalent to the Prep Year; AND Is considered 'ready for education in the year of schooling considering the child's attributes'.

The Regulations define 'child's attributes' as

  • 1. Aptitude and ability; and
  • 2. Social and emotional competence, and
  • 3. Physical development; and
  • 4. Level of knowledge and understanding.

​Parents wishing to apply for early entry into the Prep Year on this basis should make application to the Principal in the usual manner. Parents also need to provide additional documentation to assist the Principal in making a decision as to whether the child meets the requirements of early entry to Prep.​

Enrolment Support for Students with a Disability

The Enrolment Application and Support Procedure (EASP) is a process that aims to reveal and clarify the needs of the student and to identify the educational adjustments and transition required for accessing the learning program for the student.

More information is available in the Supporting Children with a Disability at School – A Guide for Parents


Adjust​ments are made for students with a disability to enable them to access the curriculum, achieve curriculum outcomes and participate in school life. An adjustment is any change made to help a student participate at school, learn, and be comfortable and safe.

Transition Process

Transitions occur when a student has to move from or into a new educational setting. Transitions may occur when students are moving:

  • into Prep 
  • from one year level to another
  • from primary to secondary school

Before a transition process commences, parents, with support, are encouraged to take time to visit all possible educational settings when considering a placement for a student with a disability. The Enrolment Application and Support Procedure (EASP) is one way of identifying the support and personnel required to make the transitioning as smooth as possible. The purpose of a transition meeting is to discuss and plan, collaboratively, a suitable course of action to assist the move as effortlessly as possible.​