Brisbane Catholic Education schools are founded on the person of Jesus Christ and enlivened by the Gospel. They are committed to the development of schools that embrace the example of Jesus and the teaching of the Gospel, especially in relation to faith, hope, love, forgiveness, justice, compassion and freedom.
Brisbane Catholic Education schools state the following as their goal:
As a Catholic Christian community, we educate all to live the gospel of Jesus Christ as
successful, creative and confident, active and informed learners empowered to shape and
enrich our world (Brisbane Catholic Education Learning and Teaching Framework, 2012).
At Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, we demonstrate these aims through:
- Practical expression of the Gospel message within and beyond our community;
- Our care for those within the school community, especially those experiencing disadvantage
- The extent to which student's experience school as a place of hope and promise for their future.
We are committed to the development of the whole child, and demonstrate this commitment as we:
- Provide a caring and safe environment
- Recognise the individuality and dignity of each student and member of the school community
- Foster life-giving relationships within the school community.
The Our Lady of Lourdes staff also includes a Guidance Counsellor who works in partnership with other staff to meet the more complex needs of some students. The Counsellors' work may include individual student counselling, social skills teaching, formal assessment of a student's academic or behavioural skills, and planning with teachers and working with parents to consider students' needs.
This commitment is reflected through the following:
- The ways in which we foster the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of each person;
- The quality of relationships within the school and the pastoral care of each person;
- Promotion of inclusive practices related to race, socio-economic circumstances, culture, gender, religion, physical and cognitive abilities and mental health and wellbeing.
The experiences children and young people gain throughout their education at Our Lady of Lourdes, must provide them with the life skills required to equip them to participate safely, purposefully and positively in an increasingly complex world.
In the tradition of the Sisters of St Joseph, we provide, in a Catholic education environment, the teaching of Gospel values especially in relation to faith, hope and love. Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop responded to poverty and injustice in the establishment of her work and the foundation of the Sisters of St Joseph.
Our Pastoral Care program covers a variety of concepts including but not limited to:
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - safe, supportive & disciplined learning environments. Teaching positive, school-wide behaviour expectations.
In addition, we look to develop an awareness of the need to care for families in our school community who may struggle for a variety of reasons which may be emergency incidents, short or long term situations.

© Brisbane Catholic Education (2023)