Home - School Communication

Parents are welcome to visit our school for a range of different events. Prior appointments are to be made if parents wish to speak to teachers concerning their child's progress.

Health, medical, learning difficulties, general school concerns, family crises and financial burdens should be brought to the attention of the Principal as early as possible, as these troubles can markedly affect your child's progress. The care and concern by all the staff at Our Lady of Lourdes extends to the whole family.

Open communication concerning children's progress is encouraged throughout the school year. Interviews with teachers may be arranged at any time throughout the school by appointment to discuss the children's work. Samples of work will be available on these occasions. We believe that true partnership can only be achieved when the communication between home and school is free flowing. Accordingly, we report to parents by establishing the following:

Parent Information Night:  held in first weeks of Term 1 to inform parents of class procedures, routines and curriculum.

Term Overviews: sent home at the end of the second week of each term to inform parents of class curriculum for that term and any special events occurring within the term.

Celebration of Learning Afternoons: held during the year to allow parents an opportunity to view displays of children's work undertaken during that term from all year levels.

Parent Teacher Interviews : offered Term 1 and 3 to all parents/caregivers.

School Reports: Formal progress report covering all aspects of the curriculum for parents of all children available for parents to download via the Parent Portal. Formal reports are issued at the end of Term 2 and 4 each year.